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Shivam Tiwari

Dr. L. B. Sharma


The well-being of an organization's employees is an essential component since they are theorganization's life blood. To ensure the safety of the company's workforce by creating a healthy workingenvironment and mitigating its negative impact on the workers' and their families' lives, welfare facilitieshave been put in place. Welfare facilities are offered in every organisation, whether public and private, sincethey will help them achieve their ultimate goal. An effort is being made in this research to assess theinfluence of various welfare amenities on the productivity of various public and private sector enterprises.This report also provides empirical data by analysing the impact of employee welfare amenities onproductivity. Motivation may be described as an intangible notion that relates not only to the specificsentiments members of a group share with each other but also to what they do and how they do it.


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