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Dr. Ruchi Arora


Developing a distinct Employer brand sets an Employer apart from its rivals and other companies competing for the same talent pool. Most businesses now utilize internet media significantly in the field of brand development. Branding is a marketing term that is applied to organizations, which are seen as goods with distinct characteristics. Jobseekers collect information from organizations’ online platforms as well as informal feedback from other stakeholders. The investigation includes not only their online presence and how they are portrayed, but also the degree of engagement of their activities in various social media platforms (e.g. Face book, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter). Although the research that mostly focused on The analysis includes not only their online presence and how these businesses are presented, but also the level of interactivity of their activities in various social media (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter), as well as a description of the Measurement Model Assessment, social media factor with all items displayed. Fit Indices for SMM Model (CFI)


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