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Dr. D. Kanthi Sree


The COVID -19 pandemic has caused many negative and drastic changes in contemporaryorganizations with regard to employees. Human resources management faces the challenge of developingways to mitigate the negative effects of work during the pandemic. Factors such as feeling threatened,isolation, working from home or insecurity have all contributed to the well-being of employees. Theypose a significant challenge for managers who need to adapt management tools to new realities. “It isalso necessary to ensure the well-being of employees in order to work efficiently. An important elementthat requires analysis and development of further support schemes is work-life balance. Remote workinghas caused an accumulation of professional activities in private places. The spatial boundary separatingthe workplace from the resting place has also been blurred. Additionally, due to the extension of workingtime at home, time limits have also changed. As a result, the work-life balance was disrupted, negativelyaffecting the mental health of employees. The systematic literature review in this chapter concerns theanalysis includes an analysis of key research areas of work-life balance related to remote working. Thestudy analyzes various aspects of the imbalance between home and work as well as the most acuteeffects of new forms of work introduced as a result of the pandemic.


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