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Dr. Vasudha .


The present paper is an empirical inquiry into the implications of personal and organizationalvariables of the executives in achieving their professional targets. The study is based on the empirical datapertaining to 126 executives functioning in 126 large scale, public and private manufacturing and serviceorganization in the state of Karnataka.The study indicates, the executives in the Indian context exhibit high level of professional competence.Further, the finding indicate that, professional competence is the function of age, as the age ofrespondents increases the level of professional competence also increases. The urban background ofthe respondents seems to be distant advantage in determining the professional competence.Coming to the organizational variables the findings indicate that, executives in manufacturing firms tendto be more competent then executives in service organizations.However, the level of professional competence seems to vary in depend of sector and age of theorganization. The findings refute the general belief that, executives in the private sector are morecompetent. Further, the findings seem to suggest such beliefs are unfounded and such generalizationsare unwarranted


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