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Naseem Raza

Dr. Dharampal .


This research articles explore about problems and obstacles faced by academic librarians due tocovid-19 outbreak through analysing of multiple data volumes. Covid-19 outbreak raised multiple problemsnot only for entire society but also for academic librarians, to explore the pattern of obstacles and problemswhich were faced by academic librarian a survey approach was utilized to get data needed for the currentresearch paper. The Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on how all associations and institutions operated,which led to the emergence of numerous issues and challenges that human had never before faced,similarly academic librarians also faced many problems such as total shut down of academic libraries,budget constraint, problems in collection development, mentally health of library employees, providingstandard services during covid-19 outbreak and many more. In response to these obstacles and problemacademic librarians adopted new approach to provide standard services to library patrons. The outcomeof this research will definitely help the academic librarians to deal the situation like SARS 2 pandemic inthe future.


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