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Vishal Gaur

Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena


Advertising in the media has become increasingly important in today's competitive marketingenvironment. The purpose of this research is to investigate the numerous ways in which advertising in themedia influences consumers' choice of product across different markets. The research takes a holistictack, utilizing quantitative and qualitative methods to present a whole picture of the topic under study.Theoretical foundations of consumer behavior and the function of media advertising within this context areexplored initially. The study builds on well-established theories like the Elaboration Likelihood Model andthe Theory of Planned Behavior to examine the complex link between advertising and consumerbehavior. The influence of media advertising on consumers' purchasing decisions is measured usingquantitative research methodologies. In order to gather a good cross-section of the population, a largescalesurvey is done. Information about commercial memory, attitude development, buy intent, andactual purchasing behavior is collected in this study.


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