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Dr. Rakesh Patra

Nissi Grace

P. Gayathri

Kantamaneni Manoj Sai

Eedammagari Vaishnavi Reddy


To be competitive, businesses need to continuously integrate into a network of organisations.Companies who don't take on this issue will eventually fall behind their rivals. We look at the relationshipbetween supply chain management (SCM) and the internet in this essay. This article will explore theconcepts of the influence of e-commerce on the supply chain and its possible future implications byanswering a variety of questions.


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  2. Johnson, C. (2003). U. S E-commerce: the year in review, Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research.
  3. Noel P, John D; "Agile Logistics at the Global Transpark: from Practices to Infrastructures"; The Fifth National Agility Conference, Agility Forum, 1996 (CDROM)
  4. Z. Bing, “the problems and solutions of applying supply chain management under the environment of ecommerce,” [J], Modern Business, pp. 69-70, 2009.