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Mrs. Ashwini A. Deshpande

Dr. Sunil Kumar


There has been growing interest in the switching reluctance motor in both the academic and business communities. The minimal cost of construction and the fact that no rare materials are required are two of Micro-most grid's lauded qualities. Switched reluctance motors are more difficult to manipulate than conventional machines. The most researched issue in the subject is how to minimise torque ripple in the control system. The purpose of this work is to provide a review of the relevant literature and an understanding of the specifics involved in micro grid control of switching reluctance motors. There is a literature review on the effects of fundamental control approaches on the study of motor performance. Several other studies are offered for the reader to use as comparisons in this comparative study. Studies employing a non-linear switching reluctance motor model derived from an actual motor are the primary emphasis of the papers, which are based on the theory presented for literature review.


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