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Mr. Savant Pratik Anilkumar

Prof. S. B. Kadam


India is a growing nation, and at the moment, its economy is mostly dependent on agricultureand the building industry. A nation's infrastructure must be developed if its industries and overall economyare to expand. Analysis of the infrastructure sector's development bottleneck is essential given the future'spredicted increased urbanisation. In order to meet the needs of the client, work or construction must becompleted in the 21st century in the shortest amount of time feasible while maintaining high quality. Precastconcrete and construction are crucial for quick building because they meet the needs of the clientfor high quality work in a short amount of time. Precast concrete construction (PCC) technique is onlyused in infrastructure projects including bridges, monorails, and metro systems. etc.. Metro projectsare large-scale public initiatives, thus their prompt completion is crucial from both an economic andconvenience perspective. Elevated lines are the preferred option for metro corridors due to costeconomics from a land availability perspective, these corridors are often constructed along the mainmetropolitan roadways. Traffic flow inside the construction zone is restricted due to Metro construction,making the selection of an appropriate construction approach more relevant and crucial under thesecircumstances. In-situ construction necessitates extensive lengths of traffic detours or restrictionsbecause metro projects are often linear in form. Cast-in-situ process adds to public annoyance since itneeds more time and space. Additionally, cast-in-situ technology is not a favoured choice in terms of theenvironment. As a result, using precast materials as much as possible in elevated metro projects incities becomes the obvious choice. This paper focuses on importance of Precast Technology InInfrastructure Projects in metro city.


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