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Mr. Meher Pankaj Prabhakar

Dr. U. J. Phatak


Construction industry plays an important role in the development of any country. Thedevelopment of construction industry depends on the quality of construction projects. Quality is one ofthe critical factors in the success of construction projects. Improvement in the quality of constructionprojects is linked with quality management in the project life cycle. Although quality management atevery stage of project life cycle is important but the quality management at the execution (construction)stage contributes significantly on final quality outcome of construction projects. This project mainlyfocuses the importance and factors that affects the quality management in the execution (construction)phase. The project also includes visiting of some construction companies and conducts thequestionnaire survey, then analyse the difficulties (major factors) and the cost variance due to qualitydefect in quality management and suggests some proactive measures for the improvement of quality inthe execution phase of construction projects.


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