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Arshiya Sharma


Blockchain, the next generation of the Internet, has already made a significant impact in the realtimeoperations of the financial sector over the past decade. Cryptocurrency, the Internet of Things (IoT),financial services, etc. all benefit from its robust set of tools, which facilitate the cross-pollination of theseand other technologies. Decentralization long-term reliability are the two most crucial aspects ofBlockchain technologies. Despite the fact that Blockchain Bitcoin technologies are both beneficial, theyare nonetheless often confused with one another. In addition, this article distinguishes between the twowith the help of the smart contract's development highlights the potential advantages of blockchaintechnology. While several research have focused on how blockchain can be used in specific contexts,neither the technology nor its potential uses have been systematically surveyed. We undertake anextensive assessment of blockchain technology, architecture, analyzes blockchain applications, technical problems to address this knowledge gap.


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