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Mr. Mahadev H. Parab

Dr. Abhilasha Mittal

Dr. Vishnu A. Kangralkar


Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest traditional medicine systems, emphasizes holistic healing through plant-based remedies and formulations. The complexity of these formulations and their multifaceted interactions with biological systems often pose challenges for modern pharmacological evaluation. Network pharmacology, an emerging interdisciplinary approach, provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the molecular mechanisms and synergistic effects of Ayurvedic herbs and formulations. This review explores the application of network pharmacology to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments, emphasizing its role in drug discovery, therapeutic target identification, and elucidation of molecular pathways. By bridging traditional knowledge and modern science, network pharmacology offers promising insights into the validation and optimization of Ayurveda-based therapeutic interventions.


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