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Narayan T. Deshpande

Dr. S. Ravishankar


Face recognition has long been a goal of computer vision, but only inrecent years reliable automated face recognition has become a realistic targetof biometrics research. New algorithms, and developments spurred by falling costsof cameras and by the increasing availability processing power have led topractical face recognition systems. These systems are increasingly beingdeployed in a wide range of practical applications, and future improvementspromise to spread the use of face recognition further still. Face recognition presents a challenging problem in the field of imageanalysis and computer vision, and as such has received a great deal ofattention over the last few years because of its many applications in variousdomains. This paper focuses on the meaning of face recognition system, human facefeatures that use to identify the face, face recognition types including two-dimensional system (2D) and three-dimensional system(3D)& the explanationof three-dimensional recognition procedures We also explained our new idea forrecognizing the human face. Face recognition hasbeen employed in various security related applications such as surveillance,mug shot identification, e-passport, and access control. Despite its recentadvancements, privacy concern is one of several issues preventing its widerdeployment. In this paper, we address the privacy concern for a self-exclusionscenario of face recognition, through combining face recognition with a simplebiometric encryption scheme called helper data system. The combined system isdescribed in detail with focus on the key binding procedure. Experiments arecarried out on the CMU PIE face database. The experimental results demonstratethat in the proposed system, the biometric encryption module tends tosignificantly reduce the false acceptance rate while increasing the falserejection rate.


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