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Ganta Prashanthi


Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L)Millsp.) is an important multipurpose grain legume that is a good source ofprotein for populations living in the semi-arid tropics. Being a crop that iscultivated under rain-fed agricultural system, its production is threatened byseveral biotic and abiotic stresses. Attempts to address these problems throughconventional breeding have achieved partial success due to narrow geneticvariability among the cultivated species. In addition, breeding incompatibilityproblems associated with wild species warrant exploration of alternative approacheslike gene transfer to introduce desirable traits. Development of in vitro regeneration protocolsamenable to genetic transformation offer an attractive opportunity forimprovement of pigeon pea. Pigeon pea is legume crop play a crucial role as source of dietaryprotein in diet, growing extensively in the rainfed and dryland spots of Indiaand worldwide. Plant tissue regenerate through in-vitro system attemptingorganogenesis as well as embryogenesis pathway, which are in support ofunfamiliar genes assimilation targeted for development of transgenic plants.Present study was undertaken to investigate the most appropriate explant typein Pigeon pea regeneration by virtue of invitro culture system. Genotype Durga (NTL-30) was breed and used asprincipal material for regeneration studies. Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)is mainly a tropical crop which is cultivated with the cereal grains such asmaize, millet and sorghum etc. Pigeonpea as a valuable cover crop grown forfood (dry or green seeds), feed (seed, leaves and young branches), firewood,medicine, fencing, roofing, shade and to make baskets. Inspite of large landcovered for cultivation of pigeonpea there is a wide demand–supply gap as itsproduction is constrained by various biotic and abiotic stresses. So attemptsfor development of an efficient invitro regeneration protocol are made for conservation of this importantlegume. This review brings light to various culture conditions, explants andhormonal combinations to develop efficient in vitro regeneration protocol in pigeonpea.


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