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Sabeeha Naaz


Ecological imbalance due to unmindful use of chemicals, careless disposal of chemical wastes and its detrimental consequences became a global threat causing concern to many. This led to the concept of “Green Chemistry” to Crystallize. Green chemistry reflects a shift away from the historic “command-and-control” approach to environmental problems that mandated waste treatment, control and clean up through regulation and towards preventing pollution at its source rather that accepting pollution at its source. Rather than accepting waste generation and disposal as unavoidable, green chemistry encourages judicious use of resources and seeks new technologies that are cleaner and economically competitive. Based on twelve principles such as atom economy, safer chemicals, energy efficiency, catalysis, reduced derivatization, utilizing green chemistry for pollution prevention demonstrates the power and beauty of chemistry: through careful design, society can enjoy the products on which we depend while benefiting the environment. But there exist barriers and challenges of economic, regulatory, technical, organizational and cultural nature to the implemention of green chemistry. To overcome these challenges some measures have already been taken place and some is to be done.


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