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Kiran R. Jathar

Anant V. Hankare

Amol A. Sapkal


In around 80% of components are manufactured by casting process. So there is a lot of scope for improvement in quality of casting. In today, many industries are struggling for good quality of casting. Quality of casting is dependent upon flow of liquid melt through gating system. In other words, liquid melt should enter into the mold cavity within solidification time of melt, so proper design of gating system is essential study of this project. Proper gating system design reduces the turbulence in the flow of molten metal, minimize air entrapment, sand inclusion, oxide film and dross. The problems caused by improper gating system design are aluminium oxide films, cuts and washes, low casting yield and entrapped gas. This study describes the design of a gating system and feeder to produce Aluminium alloy casting of rectangular component having length 55mm, breadth 30mm and height 30mm using the non-pressurized gating system with ratio of 1:4:4 and green sand moulding technique. Thus it is essential to understand design of gating system and feeder for producing defect free casting. Objective of this research is to improve the quality of aluminium alloy casting produced in green sand moulding process through proper gating system design and feeder design.


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