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Mrs. A. A. Miraje

Prof. (Dr.) Athar Ali


The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is mostly used to obtain the information. The main important problem is energy efficiency which is vital factor for deciding the long running operations of WSNs. The Wireless sensor network (WSN) is nothing but group of large number of low power and tiny sensor devices those are deployed manually or randomly over the network. WSNs are widely used in the real life applications such as disaster monitoring systems, health care systems, security systems environment monitoring systems etc. But the main limitation of WSNs is limited energy resources of sensor nodes. The energy efficiency becomes challenging research problem for achieving the longer operation of sensor networks. There are different solutions have been presented for energy efficiency based on hardware and software. The existing clustering methods having drawbacks like cluster heads suffered from excessive energy consumption due to all loads on it, therefore this can be later overcome by placing the gateways in WSNs which can acts cluster head with more energy sources in it. To overcome these problems, we attempt to present novel scalable and energy efficient routing protocol for WSN in IoT applications. We are presenting the novel energy efficient and QoS efficient routing method for WSNs based on gateway based clustering approach and improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) methods. The Particle swarm optimization (PSO) based clustering method is proposed to achieve both energy efficiency and load balancing in WSNs. The proposed IPSO based clustering routing protocol is work with efficient method of particle encoding and fitness function.


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