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Phakade Shirish Vitthalrao

Dr. C. Ram Singla

Dr. Omprakash Rajankar


For sensing and data processing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consist of spatially spread minute sensor nodes. They are equipped with limited energy and low memory. During sensing, processing, transmission and reception of sensed data considerable amount of energy is consumed. Resulting in malfunctioning of these sensor nodes. Various data aggregation techniques can be adapted so as to overcome such restrictions and to expand network lifespan. With data gathering, collection and aggregation of significant information is done in an energy efficient way at sink node. Network lifespan can be improved as well as multiple data of same type can also be avoided. In this research, a review with regards to wireless sensor network’s energy efficient dependent data aggregation techniques is talked about. Energy-efficiency and privacy perspective of different data aggregation techniques in a wireless sensor networks (WSN) are discussed in depth.


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