Effects of Stochastic Analysis on Development and Maturation of an Ecological System The Intersection of Mathematics and Biology in Studying Ecological Systems
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The focus of this research is on the role that mathematics has played over the past century infacilitating the modeling and interpretation of a wide range of biological processes. In exchange, biologistspresented mathematicians with a number of challenging tasks. The rise of Biology and Mathematics as ashared multidisciplinary theme owes much to the successful combination of mathematical precision withthe biologically nuanced subject matter of biology. As sub-fields of statistical biology, statistical ecologyand epidemiology focus on the quantitative analysis of populations of organisms and their physicalsettings. Statistical modeling is an efficient method for learning about the inner workings and complexbehaviors of a wide variety of creatures, including plants, insects, and animals. There has been a lot ofenthusiasm for the creation of mathematical models of ecological systems. Theory from the field ofbiology is used to explain ecological phenomena in a different population setting. Mathematicians havelong been interested in population problems, making population biology the most statistically developedbio-science field.
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