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Deepak Kumar Sharma

Dr. Birendra Singh Chauhan


Invention of public-key cryptography is the greatest revolution in the history of cryptography.Two factors influence the security of the public key cryptography 1) length of the key and 2)computational overhead to break the cipher. Public-key cryptography suffers with two types of problemssymmetric encryption and key distribution. Whitefield Diffie and Martin Hellman published an interestingsolution to the problem of key agreement or key exchange in 1976 called Diffie-Hellman key exchangeprotocol. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) was discovered in 1985 by Neil Koblitz and Victor Miller.Elliptic Curve Cryptographic (ECC) schemes are public-key cryptosystems. They not only provide thesame functionality but also preserve the same level of security as RSA schemes with shorter key lengthand relatively computational overhead. They are attractive because they offer the same security level asa finite field based cryptosystem, shorter key length and fast encryptiondecryption process. Theproposed work in this study is basically divided into two parts (i). Secure and Authentic Key Transport(ii). Data Encryption Decryption using elliptic curves over finite fields. The principal focus of inventors ofECC was the study the advantages of elliptic curve cryptography in the wireless communications inplace of well-known traditional RSA cryptosystem.


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