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Shashikant Pathak

Dr. Girish Padhan


Identifying people in videos and figuring out how to fix the problem that comes with it. The mostpopular and significant state-of-the-art solutions are presented. The ConvNet topologies based on deeplearning to address the shortcomings of existing hand-coded methods, These ConvNets frameworks usea pre-trained deep model for features ex-tractions to recognize human behaviors in videos, making themsuitable for transfer learning. It is empirically shown that deep pre-trained model built on a big annotateddataset is ex-changeable to action recognition task using the smaller training dataset. a deeply linkedConvNet for human activity detection presented that utilize the RGB frames at the top layer with BidirectionalLong Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM), and at the bottom layer, CNN model is trained using asingle Dynamic Motion Image (DMI).


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