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P. N. Vasav

A. M. Nalawade

A. M. Riswadkar

Y. S. Shete


Electric Vehicles (EVs) are acquiring energy because of a few variables, including the costdecrease as well as the environment and ecological mindfulness. This paper audits the advances of EVsin regards to battery innovation patterns, charging strategies, as well as new examination challengesand open doors. All the more explicitly, an investigation of the overall market circumstance of EVs andtheir future possibilities is done. Considering that one of the essential angles in EVs is the battery, thepaper presents an intensive survey of the battery advances from the Lead-corrosive batteries to theLithium-particle. Besides, we survey the various norms that are accessible for EVs charging process, aswell as the power control and battery energy the executives’ recommendations. Finally, we finish ourwork by introducing our vision regarding what is generally anticipated sooner rather than later insidethis field, as well as the exploration viewpoints that are yet open for both industry and scholasticnetworks.


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