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Ankita Lokhande

Aishwarya Sathe

Bharti Jadhav

Saniya Mulani

Sakshi Tingare

Miss. V. N. Sawant


The world has progressed in terms of communication, particularly since the introduction of thenet. The increase of cybercrime, often referred to as e-crimes (electronic crimes), could be a majorchallenge confronting today's society. Thus, e-crimes pose threats to nations, organizations andindividuals across the world. It’s expanded to several parts of the world, and legion individuals becamevictims of cybercrime. Given the intense nature of e-crimes, its global nature and implications, it's clearthat there's an important need for a standard understanding of such criminal activity internationally tohouse it effectively. The definitions, types, and incursions of e-crime are all covered during this study.It’s also focused on the legislation in situ to combat e-crime in various countries. Cyber security andsearching methods to induce secured are a part of the study.


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