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Mr. Vishal Jadhav


With the study of current process of Structural Audit Framework there is need to find the lacunasin the current process and modify the process for efficient implementation of Structural Audit. Thisresearch aims at finding out the lacunas if any in the current procedure and applying managementprincipals to modify the structural auditing process and suggest some improvement measures to thegoverning body.Methodology adopted comprises of collecting experts reviews on current framework, studyof existing structural Audit procedure in governing body and finding lacunas if any in current framework.Currently, Safety of old buildings is one of the critical issues in India. Though, there are many practicesto conduct structural audit of such buildings, the issues of structural safety audit remains uncertain dueto inconsistency of such practices. The study attempts to evaluate gaps in current such local practicesof structural audit of residential buildings. Thereby, intends to offer insights to generate more preciseframework of structural audit.


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