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Prasad Prashant Borase

Prof. Sagar Ambure


Retrofitting can be defined as changing, modifying certain parts, aspects of a structure with new or better parts which will prove to be beneficial for the user of the building building itself. In a similar sense, Green Retrofit can be done by changing certain parts of building that damage the environment and changing it with sustainable alternatives which will increase the life of the building and reduce the life-cycle cost of the same. This can also be achieved by undertaking many practices which not only enable conservation the natural resources but also enable us to enhance the environment and contribute towards adopting encouraging sustainable construction practices. primary work started with literature review. With the help of studying different research papers Case studies. Able to identify the parameters of green retrofitting how the implementation of the same can be done. Also able to identify the cost benefit parameters how the cost benefit analysis can be done of the different structures like institutional buildings, residential buildings, commercial buildings, etc. Starting with the literature review identifying the different parameters we then went to the next step that is selection of the parameters.


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