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Kulkarni-Shinde Bharat Pralhad

Dr. C. Ram Singla

Dr. Sanjay B. Patil


Data transmission plays a significant role in communication, due to the rapid development ofelectronic devices and information technology. Wireless sensor network is one such communicationparadigm. Data aggregation is one of the thrust research areas in the field of wireless sensor networks.Compressive sampling methods are widely used for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Thisresearch work proposes energy aware cluster based data aggregation (EAC-DA) scheme for wirelesssensor networks. Chunk oblique matrix is applied for compressive sampling and the conventionalDijsktra’s algorithm is employed for obtaining the shortest path from source sensor node to destinationsink node. Performance metrics such as throughput, overhead, average energy consumption of nodes,network lifetime and aggregation latency are chosen. The proposed EAC-DA is compared with theexisting data aggregation mechanisms. Simulation results are proved that the proposed EAC-DAoutperforms in terms of preferred performance metrics.


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