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Kalpana Dadaraoji Rarokar

Dr. Sandeep Tiwari


Phase-transfer catalysis (PTC) is an efficient method for the synthesis of organic reactionsinvolving two immiscible-phased substances. The objective of the study is the creation of diversesoluble and insoluble phase-transfer catalysts for the synthesis of various chemical compounds underheterogeneous circumstances using ultrasonic energy. For chemical identification and analysis, thefollowing instrumental characterizations were utilized GC, NMR, FTIR, Mass spectrum, Ultrasonification,TLC, Column chromatography, and SEM examination. In heterogeneous conditions, the kinetic analysisof these organic processes was conducted using soluble and insoluble phase-transfer catalysts (PTCs).For each organic reaction, the thermodynamic parameters activation energy (Ea), enthalpy of activation(H), entropy of activation (S), and free-energy of activation (G) were determined. We postulated aplausible mechanism for each system based on the kinetic findings obtained. The comparison analysisdemonstrates that the ultrasonic aided phase-transfer catalyst exhibited more reactivity increases thanthe standard phase-transfer catalyst(s) alone. The current phase-transfer catalysis is thus concluded tobe a key synthetic tool, valued not only in diverse disciplines of organic chemistry, but also in severalindustrial applications.


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