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Pujari Nitin Vishvanath

Dr. V. C. Jha

Dr. Rupesh Jagatarao Patil


India is a rapidly developing nation, making quality, productivity, safety enhancementsparticularly important. Quality, reliability, productivity, risk, flexibility, safety are just few of the manyfactors that must be considered simultaneously if a company is to thrive in today's globalmarketplace. The economic growth of a country like India depends in large part on its level ofindustrialization. The manufacturing sector in India has been important to the country's recenteconomic success. We owe 17 of our GDP to the manufacturing sector. Quality, productivity, andsafety, and the means to improve them, are of paramount importance in India because of thecountry's rapid economic development. This research will look at how well the Maharashtramanufacturing industry performs in terms of quality, safety, and productivity


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