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Tapasya A. Nikam

Prof. Shraddha S. Bendsure


Automation and robotics is now widely used in India in different sectors fields however theconstruction industry which is an indicator of development of the nation still lacks behind in using theadvance technologies. The extent of automation in construction is quite low in comparison with thecurrent technologies. There is increasing demand on implementing automation in the constructionactivities. Automation increases the quality of work as compared to unskilled workers, it increases theproductivity of the construction project and also safety, it reduces the time required for the project. Thesignificance of automation in construction has grown rapidly in developed countries. In India, theconstruction industries need different technologies such as new machineries, electronic devices, theautomation of road, tunnel, and bridge construction earthwork, etc. As the construction industry islabour intensive it requires more number of skilled labor, good quality of work, and increase inproductivity etc. There are several problems associated with construction work such as low quality ofwork, shortage of labour and safety of labor etc. which can be overcome by automation technologies.This paper shows the current scenario of automation in the construction industry, barriers in itsimplementation, overcome statement and its benefits.


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