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Yajat Panjeta


Artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth-generation (5G) networks, andquantum computing are all examples of cutting-edge breakthroughs that have opened up exciting newpossibilities in today's quickly developing technological world. However, these developments also providenovel and difficult cybersecurity issues. The purpose of this research is to illuminate the complicateddifficulties faced by cybersecurity experts in their quest to keep vital information and infrastructure safefrom cyberattacks. This study identifies and analyzes key cybersecurity concerns in the context ofcutting-edge technology by drawing on a thorough analysis of the available literature, case studies, andexpert interviews. According to the most important results, the cybersecurity industry faces formidableproblems due to the growth of Internet of Things devices, the use of artificial intelligence for bothdefensive and offensive reasons, the vulnerabilities created by 5G networks, and the looming threat ofquantum computing.


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