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Amardeep Kumar


A present research paper has been derived on “Kinetic reactions of Electron Transfer Reactionby Alkaline Permanganate.” The reaction has stoichiometry 21 ([MnO₄][L-Ala]). The reaction shows firstorder kinetics in [permanganate ion] and fractional order dependence in both [L-Alanine] and [alkali].Addition of products, manganate, aldehyde and ammonia, have no significant effect on the reaction rate.Increase in ionic strength and dielectric constant of the medium increases the rate. The oxidationprocess in alkaline medium under the conditions employed has been shown to proceed via two paths,one substrate dependent and other substrate independent. The proposed mechanism has the followingrate law. The reaction has been studied at different temperatures and activation parameters have beencomputed with respect to slow step of mechanism proposed. The reaction constants involved in themechanism are evaluated as well.


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