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Dr. Eman Nazmi Al Qutub

Dr. Khoulod Nazmi Al Qutub

Dr. Dr. Manal Nazmi Al Qutub


This research employs Aegle marmelos gum in various ratios as a natural polymer to formulate and assess Propranolol hydrochloride floating tablets. Because of its high solubility and permeability, propranolol hydrochloride, a non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker, has a restricted bioavailability. Floating tablets are intended to improve the absorption and bioavailability of drugs by staying afloat in the stomach. Aegle marmelos gum (AMG) was used as a polymer in varied ratios to create distinct formulations. The tablets were then tested for a number of characteristics, including hardness, friability, drug content, in vitro buoyancy, and drug release profiles. The findings showed that the Aegle marmelos gum content had a major impact on the tablets' floating qualities and drug release characteristics.


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