Vol. 8 No. 16 (2015): Journal of Advances in Science and Technology (JAST)
February 2015
Published: 2015-02-01
Implications of Sanitation Systems on River Water Quality
Enhancing Soil Health through Conservation Agriculture
Building a Cooperative Network for Resource Sharing and Information Dissemination
Exploring the Interplay between Urban Road Networks and Dynamic Models
Addressing Privacy Concerns in Face Recognition Systems with Biometric Encryption
Current Concerns and Future Directions
Exploring the Landscape of Open Access Resources in India
Understanding the impact of bio-magnification on ecological systems
दशा और दिशा: राजकीय महाविधालयों में पर्यावरण शिक्षा के रुझान का सर्वेक्षण
Advancements and Applications of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Technologies
Exploring the Applications and Solving Methods of Partial Differential Equations
Advancements in Rapid and High-throughput MRSA Genotyping Techniques for Epidemiological Management
A Comparative Study of NaOH-NALC and Sulfuric Acid Decontamination in Detecting Mycobacteria
Ensuring Blood Safety and Accessibility in Healthcare
A Risk to Global TB Control
A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Mulligan's and Maitland's Mobilization Techniques for Neck Pain and Frozen Shoulder
Efficient Compression Method for High-Quality Medical and Satellite Images
Purification and stabilization of synthetic bilirubin glucuronides for in vitro assays
Developing a Rapid and Cost-effective MRSA Genotyping Strategy
A Fast and Robust Method for Solving Sparse Linear Systems Arising from Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Exploring the Benefits and Applications of Polymeric Reagents in Organic Synthesis
Understanding the Impact of Environmental Degradation on Future Generations
Examining the Impact of Co-operatives on Women Empowerment and Dairy Production in Muradabad Division, U.P.
Exploring the relationship between binomial and Euler transforms
Advancements and Future Trends in Fiber Optics Communication
Analyzing Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
Utilizing remote sensing and GIS for efficient and cost-effective natural disaster management
A Comprehensive Analysis of India's Vulnerability to Natural Disasters
Comparing Sustainable Agriculture Systems in India: A Study of Ecological, Economic, and Social Sustainability
Boundary Integral Equation Method for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
Innovative Strategies for Water Treatment and Nutrient Removal