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Sharick Shamsi

Abdullah Al Shehri

Abdulmohsen Hasan Abdullah Al Ghamd

Khaled Al Amoudi

Shabana Khan


This study provides a comprehensive analysis of assessment methods and rehabilitation techniques for sports activities-related musculoskeletal accidents. Understanding the complexity and variety of injuries incurred in sports, this paper synthesizes the modern-day evidence-based practices and protocols used to assess such injuries. Assessment processes embody a multidimensional exam, consisting of physical examination techniques, imaging modalities, and practical checks, aiming to diagnose the extent and nature of the harm precisely. Furthermore, the evaluation examines into rehabilitation strategies tailor-made to precise accidents, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach that integrates therapeutic physical activities, manual therapy, neuromuscular re-schooling, and modern loading protocols. A minimum of 200 participants, comprising athletes with various types of musculoskeletal injuries, will be recruited to ensure diversity and generalizability of findings. Participants will be randomly assigned to intervention and control groups using computer-generated random numbers to ensure an unbiased allocation process. Stratification based on injury type and severity will be employed as a criteria, ensuring a balanced distribution of participants across different categories. Participants will undergo rehabilitation sessions three times per week for a duration of eight weeks, ensuring a structured and progressive approach to musculoskeletal injury recovery. Special attention is given to individualized rehabilitation plans that consider the athlete's sport-specific needs, biomechanics, and psychological aspects, facilitating the most beneficial restoration and secure return to play. The paper concludes by highlighting the ongoing advancements in generation and treatment modalities that similarly enhance the evaluation accuracy and efficacy of rehabilitation interventions for sports-related musculoskeletal injuries, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive and customized method in the management of such injuries.


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