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Santosh Kumar

Dr. Akhil Mehrotra


The purpose of the study was Angular kinematics analysis of an Elite archers. In present study total sample five Indian International level male Recurve category Archers was selected by Purposive sampling technique from SAI Archery training Center Sonipat. The age of the subjects was between 24 (± 5) years, hight of the subjects 6.0` (± 5 Inch), participation year between 2016-2022, shooting FITA score between 650-720 in archery was selected as a subjects for the study. According to Casio EX-F1 high speed camera was used, which have frequency from 60-300 frames per second (f/s).  The data were recorded from Superior view, Lateral view, Anterior view and Medial view. The distance between shooting line and target is 70 meter. Shooting line is passed horizontally through the Center of Gravity box, Center of Gravity box is a square box drown with the measurement of 1×1 m, Center of Gravity box is equally divided into 4 parts. A straight line is passed vertically on it and a horizontal line which is shooting line and is drawn 70 meter apart from the target. The distance between bull eye of the target and the floor surface is 5 feet. Siliconcoach Pro8 update motion analysis software and Tracker motion analysis software was used for Angular kinematics of at the time of final release position in archery. Descriptive statistic was used. To find out multi correlation between dependent variable performance on target 1-10 (bull eye) in points and independent variables (selected linear variables).

There is an insignificant relationship between the angle of bow vertical alignment and performance in archery. The study reveals that specific joint angles, especially those related to shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints, play a crucial role in archery performance. Extremely high correlations (e.g., projectile angle) indicate critical joint configurations that significantly impact the success of the archery motion.

The study concludes that there is a highly significant positive relationship between the angle of the shoulder joint for the draw hand and various angular kinematical variables in archery. These relationships suggest the importance of the shoulder joint position in determining the overall biomechanics of the archery motion.

The significant positive correlations between the angle of the elbow joint for the bow hand and various angular kinematical variables suggest that changes in the elbow joint angle are associated with corresponding changes in these other joint angles and projectile angles.

The significant positive correlations between the angle of the elbow joint for the bow hand and various angular kinematical variables suggest that changes in the elbow joint angle are associated with corresponding changes in these other joint angles and projectile angles.

The significant positive correlations indicate that changes in the angle of the elbow joint for the draw hand are associated with corresponding changes in these other joint angles and projectile angles.

The significant positive correlations indicate that changes in the angle of the wrist joint for the bow hand are associated with corresponding changes in these other joint angles and projectile angles.

The study concludes that there is a highly significant positive relationship between the angle of the draw forearm line and various related angles, emphasizing the coordination of these variables during archery.

The high correlations indicate that these angles are interconnected during the archery motion, emphasizing the coordinated movement involved in holding the bow and drawing the bowstring.

The high correlations indicate that these angles are interconnected during the archery motion, emphasizing the coordinated movement involved in aiming and releasing the arrow.

The study concludes that there is a highly significant positive relationship between the angle of the draw forearm line and the force line, as well as between the angle of the draw upper arm line and the shoulder line, and the angle of the line of force and the bow arm line.

The study concludes that there is a highly significant positive relationship between the angle of the draw upper arm line and the shoulder line, as well as between the angle of the draw upper arm line and the line of force, and the angle of the line of force and the bow arm line.


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