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Harinarayan Chaturvedi


Background: This study explores the integration of mindfulness training in archery performance enhancement, focusing on state-level athletes aged 18 to 25 years with up to three years of training experience. The research investigates the effects of a three-week mindfulness intervention on various aspects of archery performance.

Methods: Ten participants from Guru Ki Mehar Archery Academy, Chandigarh, India, underwent a structured mindfulness training program tailored to enhance performance. The study employed a pre-test-post-test design to assess changes in performance before and after the intervention. Data were collected using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) to measure mindfulness levels and performance in specific archery-related variables.

Results: Descriptive analysis revealed a significant increase in mean performance scores from the pre-test (Mean = 235.25) to the post-test (Mean = 279.75), indicating improvement in archery performance following the intervention. Additionally, there was a reduction in variance and increased consistency in performance post-intervention. The paired two-sample t-test confirmed the statistical significance of these findings, further supporting the effectiveness of the mindfulness training program.

Discussion: The study's findings underscore the potential of mindfulness training as a promising adjunctive intervention for enhancing archery performance among state-level athletes. The observed improvements in performance consistency, along with strong correlations between pre-test and post-test scores, highlight the program's efficacy in optimizing athletic performance.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the study provides evidence that a structured mindfulness training program can significantly enhance archery performance among state-level athletes. These findings contribute to the growing body of research on mindfulness in sports psychology and have practical implications for athlete development and performance optimization.


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