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Dr. Pardeep Kundu


Lower back pain (LBP) is a common complaint of a significant number of the athletes. Both young and elite athletes consult the doctors with complaints about LBP. One of the main causes of LBP is spondylolysis. The main methods of the treatment of this disease are: spondylosis and surrogation of the lumbar disc. In the medical reports there are positive clinical results using both methods. However, the scientific disputes continue over the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods of spondylolysis and surrogation of the lumbar disc. The researcher’s analyzed the results of the surgical treatment of the 20 professional athletes. In the period from 2015 to 2016 an operation was performed to these athletes to replace the degenerative intervertebral disk disease at the level of L5-S1. A total resection of the intervertebral disc at the level of the lumbar spine with decompression of the dural sac and the subsequent installation of the functional endo-prosthesis - M6-L Artificial Lumbar Disc was performed to the first group of athletes (n = 10). The transformational lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and trans pedicle screws after removing the discal hernia L5-S1 was performed to the second group of athletes (n = 10). The best clinical result was achieved in the first group of the athletes. Only 8 out of 10 athletes with surrogation of the lumbar disc were able to return to their previous level of sporting achievements for two years after the operation. X-ray results showed the safety of endo-prosthesis functions throughout the study period. The six athletes from the second group completed their sports career within 2 years after the spondylolysis. The cause was the increase in degenerative processes at the adjacent spine level and an increase in LBP.


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