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Prof. Santosh Prakash Dhawale

Dr. N. B. Bhagwat


Pharmaceutical industry is the worldwide business known as the learning based industry. Practices of pharmaceutical industry, particularly the Pharmaceutical marketing practices are the one, significant from all partners perspective including Doctors, Pharmaceutical Companies, Retailers and Wholesalers, Medicine shoppers, and Government. The exercises pursued by pharmaceutical organizations are legitimately connected with the wellbeing of Human Beings, Animals, and entire nature on the loose. On the off chance that Pharmaceutical marketing not checked, managed, and controlled appropriately they can have some lamentable impact on to the general public. Pharmaceutical marketing practices pursued by pharmaceutical organizations have impact on the all partners. The pharmaceutical organizations impact the medicine conduct of specialists, they impact the patient attitude to get their item bought through the promotion, they impact the selling conduct of retailers and wholesalers, they sell prescriptions through over-the-counter way and so on.. All in all, the marketing rehearses in pharmaceutical industry are having various results to be seen appropriately. Things become increasingly mind boggling when the marketing rehearses in pharmaceutical industry in India are to be contemplated. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is viewed as profoundly divided industry with in excess of 27830 enlisted units, all with their nonexclusive and marked items, with various blends, packs, and structures alongside the distinctive marketing system and practices related, to get them sold however much as could reasonably be expected. The present examination on Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices investigate the present situation of pharmaceutical marketing rehearses in Indian setting with uncommon reference to Uttar Pradesh, covering different partners related with. The investigation centers around the significant issues worried about pharmaceutical marketing rehearses.


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  1. Morgan, A. H. Jeffers, T. A. Petrie, J. C. Walker W. (1976). Drug advertising in medical journals. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1976; 3: pp. 1057‐1060.
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  3. Abate, Marie A. Jacknowitz, Arthur I. Shumway, James M. (1989). Information sources utilized by private practice and university physicians. Drug Information Journal; 23: pp. 304‐319.
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  5. Ahmad, Syed Rizwanuddin. Bhutta, Zulfiqar Ahmed (1990). A survey of pediatric prescribing and dispensing in Karachi. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association; 40: pp. 126‐130.
  6. Aldir, Rodolfo E. Jarjoura, David. Phinney, Melinda. Poordad, Fred. Gutierrez, Robert. Marnejon, Thomas. Greifenstein, Elaine. Lappin, Joan. Whittier, Frederick C. Practicing and resident physician’s views on pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 1996; 16:25‐32.
  7. Aldir, Rodolfo E. Jarjoura, David. Phinney, Melinda. Poordad, Fred. Gutierrez, Robert (1996). Marnejon, Thomas. Greifenstein, Elaine. Lappin, Joan. Whittier, Frederick C. Practicing and resident physician’s views on pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions;16: pp. 25‐32.
  8. Alloza, José Luis. Lasagna, Louis (1983). A comparison of drug product information in four national compendia. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; 33: pp. 269‐277.
  9. Al-Maskari, F. (2010). Life style diseases: An economic burden on the health services. UN Chronicle, 47 (2), 28 July, United Nations, chronicle/ cache /bypass/lang/en/home/archive/issues2010/achieving_global_health/ economic burden on health services ? Ctnscroll_ articlecontainer list=1_0&ctnlistpagination_article Container List=true,accessed25september,2010.
  10. Alperstein, Neil M. Peyrot, Mark (1993). Consumer awareness of prescription drug advertising. Journal of Advertising Research; 33: pp. 50‐56.
  11. Morgan, A. H. Jeffers, T. A. Petrie, J. C. Walker W. (1976). Drug advertising in medical journals. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1976; 3: pp. 1057‐1060.
  12. A Govt. plans incentives for Pharmaceutical industry. 06/01/2008 Available at iness_January126.xml&section=business&col= (Accessed on 10/02/2008).
  13. Abate, Marie A. Jacknowitz, Arthur I. Shumway, James M. (1989). Information sources utilized by private practice and university physicians. Drug Information Journal; 23: pp. 304‐319.
  14. AD/Rx: 1993 annual analysis. Kulpsville, Pennsylvania: Consultants in Pharmaceutical Media, Inc; 1993.
  15. Ahmad, Syed Rizwanuddin. Bhutta, Zulfiqar Ahmed (1990). A survey of pediatric prescribing and dispensing in Karachi. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association; 40: pp. 126‐130.
  16. Aldir, Rodolfo E. Jarjoura, David. Phinney, Melinda. Poordad, Fred. Gutierrez, Robert. Marnejon, Thomas. Greifenstein, Elaine. Lappin, Joan. Whittier, Frederick C. Practicing and resident physician’s views on pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 1996; 16:25‐32.
  17. Aldir, Rodolfo E. Jarjoura, David. Phinney, Melinda. Poordad, Fred. Gutierrez, Robert (1996). Marnejon, Thomas. Greifenstein, Elaine. Lappin, Joan. Whittier, Frederick C. Practicing and resident physician’s views on pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions;16: pp. 25‐32.
  18. Alloza, José Luis. Lasagna, Louis (1983). A comparison of drug product information in four national compendia. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; 33: pp. 269‐277.
  19. Al-Maskari, F. (2010). Life style diseases: An economic burden on the health services. UN Chronicle, 47 (2), 28 July, United Nations, chronicle/ cache /bypass/lang/en/home/archive/issues2010/achieving_global_health/ economic burden on health services ? Ctnscroll_ articlecontainer list=1_0&ctnlistpagination_article Container List=true,accessed25september,2010.
  20. Alperstein, Neil M. Peyrot, Mark (1993). Consumer awareness of prescription drug advertising. Journal of Advertising Research; 33: pp. 50‐56.