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Jadhav Jayant Bhalchandra

Dr. Atul Shukla


Improving one's anticipating and decision-making skills might help one play better in team and fast-ball sports (including tennis, soccer, and softball). One of the traits of expert decision-makers is the ability to recognize increasingly complex signals and draw meaning from those cues. The present investigation is an empirical examination of the correlation between a variety of anthropometric measurements and the efficiency of male softball players. Softball is a worldwide phenomenon, with fans and players all over the world. There hasn't been a lot of study done in the field of softball to delve into the many factors that continue to contribute to success. There is a paucity of published resources pertaining to softball, despite the fact that the sport requires extensive research and analysis in a variety of areas. The study's overarching goal is to analyze the relationships between softball players' anthropometric profiles and physiological characteristics and their pitching performances. Nutritional status may be assessed by looking at patients' skeletons (anthropometry).


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