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Dr. Rekha Rani


Few studies have been done on yoga as therapy for stress and primary dysmenorrhoea. This study is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of yoga as alternative therapy for primary dysmenorrhoea and stress. With yogic exercises the stress and pain of dysmenorrhoea was controlled indicating the benefits of yoga in primary dysmenorrhoea. Yoga lessens psychosocial stress levels, so it should be implemented among college students to augment their menstrual well-being.Primary dysmenorrhea is one of the most common complains and gynecological problem worldwide among young females. Findings claimed that exercise may positively affect this problem. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 8 weeks physical activity on primary dysmenorrheal. Overalls, the results of this study indicated that participating in physical activity program is likely an approach to reduce the detrimental effect of primary dysmenorrhea symptoms. In present day life women are effectively facing challenges encountered by stressful life resulting in Mithya Ahar, vihar, over exertion & malnutrition this may direct to vikruti in “Rutuchakra’’ leading to various vyadhi allied to menstruation. Ayurveda recommends rutucharya and dinacharya, diet modulation and yoga in the form of asanas, pranayam and meditation on a regular basis so as to alleviate dysmenorrhoea effectively. Similarly, Uttarbasti, Garbhashaya balyaaushadhi, anuvasan or matrabasti can also be administered if necessary.In present day life women are effectively facing challenges encountered by stressful life resulting in Mithya Ahar, vihar, over exertion & malnutrition this may direct to vikruti in “Rutuchakra’’ leading to various vyadhi allied to menstruation. Ayurveda recommends rutucharya and dinacharya, diet modulation and yoga in the form of asanas, pranayam and meditation on a regular basis so as to alleviate dysmenorrhoea effectively. Similarly, Uttarbasti, Garbhashaya balyaaushadhi, anuvasan or matrabasti can also be administered if necessary.


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