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Arun Sharma

Dr. Minakshi Pathak


The present study is selected keeping in view the importance of Wellness Life Style between sportsmen and non-sportsmen. A field of endeavour that has its aim in the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities that have been selected with a view to realize these outcomes. It is always a matter of concern in the society that those who play more are less interested in studies or the persons involved in sports are not good in academics. To find out the answers to certain queries in mind present research was done on the students of CBSE School of Barhanpur (M.P). The purpose of the present study was to find out the academic achievements of Sportsmen and non-sportsmen and to compare the academic achievements of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. On the basis of findings of this study it is concluded that there is difference in academic scores of sportsmen and non-sportsmen. More Sportsmen were found in excellent category than Non Sportsmen. But when tested statistically for significant difference there is insignificant difference in the academic Scores of Sportsmen and Non Sportsmen. The purpose of the study was to a compare the Wellness Life Style between Sports Men and Non-Sports Men of CBSE School of Barhanpur (M.P). For this total 500 subjects (250 Sports Students and 250 Non-Sports Students) who had participated at C.B.S.E. School of Burhanpur and aged between 13 to 18 yrs. The results of the study showed that there was a no significant difference in Wellness Life Style between sportsman and Non- sportsman Players at 0.05 level of confidence. It was concluded that Non- sportsman players showed significantly more Wellness Life Style than the sportsman Players.


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