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Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh


The purpose of the study was to measure effect of dissimilar surface running on girth measurement of fast bowlers. Thirty-six (36) Club Level fast bowlers was taken from three different Cricket Clubs from Uttar Pradesh. The subjects were divided in to three equal groups (G-A,G-B,G-C) having twelve subjects in each group. A six weeks self-made training program, three days in a week on dissimilar running surface was given to the subjects. Such as Group –A were assigned to Tread Mill running, Group- B were assigned to Natural Track running whereas no training was administrated to Group –C, considered as control group.Pretest and posttest was taken before and after the administration of six weeks training program and data were calculated using descriptive one way analysis of co-variance statistics with 0.05 of confidence. As a Girth measurement of the lower legs Hip, Thigh Calf circumference were measured using a “flexible metallic Steel tape” in nearest cm respectively. Finding showed that Hip circumference was not significant in pretest phase (2.14<3.30), however post adjusted posttest phases (4.94 15.74>3.30 at 0.05 level) were found significant differences and mean of the Treadmill surface is reasonably better than Natural surface. Thigh circumference in all pre, post adjusted posttest phases (4.05, 18.01, 19.64>3.30 at 0.05 level) were found significant differences and mean of the Natural surface was found better than treadmill surface. Calf circumference was not significant in pretest phase (0.12<3.30), however post adjusted posttest phases (5.69 8.79>3.30 at 0.05 level) were found significant differences and mean of the Natural surface was found better than treadmill surface. It is concluded that Natural surface running is more effective for thigh calf circumference whereas treadmill surface is quite good for hip circumference of fast bowlers.


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