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Miss. Tangarani .

Dr. Gajanana Prabhu B

Mr. Shivamurthy A.


The purpose of the present cross sectional investigation was to compare the body mass index and grip strength of physically active and sedentary college going girls. The results of the present study will fuel the growing awareness that physical activity and sport are enormously important in the lives of girls. Participation in regular physical activity is an important factor to achieve the health benefits for people especially who are engaged in sedentary lifestyles. Despite the known benefits of physical activity on health and future life opportunities, recent evidence consistently demonstrates that a majority of adolescents do not meet current physical activity and public health recommendations. Subjects for the present study were ninety seven college going girls of Shimoga District, Karnataka State. Among them 50 girls were actively involved in inter collegiate sports and remaining 47 girls did not participate in any sort of sporting endeavors. Standing height and weight were measured using standard protocols through a wall mounted stadiometer and weighing machine respectively. Assessment of dominant hand grip strength was done by Analogue Hand Grip Dynamometer in a normal sitting position. Independent sample ‘t’ test was employed in order to compare means of two groups. The results on body mass index in the present cross sectional investigation provides platform to explore under weight problem among college going girls. In order to enhance physical performance measured in terms of hand grip strength the college girls without active lifestyle need to undergo physical activities in the form of sports and games.


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