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Mr. S. Srividhya

Dr. A. Subramanian

Dr. Pralay Majumdar


The present study is aimed to find out the chronic training adaptation of iron profile in male and female athletes as there are many studies existing in acute training adaptation of iron profile. A total of 361 male athletes and 248 female athletes were volunteered to participate in the present study. Athletes were undergone training in Sports Authority of India. The mean age of the male and female athletes was 23.5±4.0 year and 21.6±4.2 year. The training age of athletes is 5-7 years. Whole blood and the serum were used to analyze hemoglobin, iron, TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity), ferritin and transferrin saturation. Athletes were grouped into three categories based on the demand of the energy system of the game that is aerobic game, anaerobic game and aerobic: anaerobic game. Mean value of hemoglobin, iron, ferritin & Transferrin saturation level is less and TIBC is more in female athletes than male athletes. ANOVA results showed that the ferritin, hemoglobin, transferrin saturation level in both the sex and TIBC level in female athletes is significant. Ferritin is the best indicator of the iron parameters and the other parameters gives the additional information of the iron status in the body. Mean ferritin level of male and female athletes in aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic: anaerobic game athletes are 53.7±37.7, 78.5±50.1, 66.1±48.7 and 33.2±15.6, 45.9±1126.8, 29.6±17.2 respectively. Long term of anaerobic training has less impact on iron profile and so the ferritin level is high in anaerobic game athletes when compared with aerobic game and aerobic: anaerobic game athletes. Our study concludes that chronic training adaptation of Iron profile of different sports varies with the demand of energy system of the game.


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