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Mr. Keerthi Kumar M.

Prof. Sundar Raj Urs


The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of Plyometric training on shooting performance among college basketball players. To achieve this purpose of the study 40 Male basketball players are selected randomly and the age group of subject ranged from 18-23years. The subjects were divided into two equal group of 20 each Group-I underwent Plyometric training and Group-II acted as control that did not participate in any special training apart from their regular curricular activities. The subjects were tested on selected criterion variable such as shooting performance prior to and immediately after the training period. The selected criterion variable such as shooting performance was determined through malty shooting test. The analysis of covariance (T-TEST) was used to find out the significant differences if any, between the experimental group and control group on selected criterion variable. In all the cases, 0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the significance, which was considered as an appropriate. The result of the present study has revealed that there was a significant difference among the experimental and control group on shooting performance.


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