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Rudresha M. E.

Virupaksha N. D.


In the last few decades, sports have gained tremendous popularity all over the globe. Thepopularity of sports is still increasing at a faster pace and this happy trend is likely to continue in thefuture also. A fit person one who is well adjusted to his environment, his mind and body are in harmonyto meet the normal demands without undue fatigue. The Purpose of the study was to compare theselected motor fitness components of Basketball men players and Volleyball men players ‟. To achievethe purpose of the study thirty men players from each game were selected and administered withstandardised field tests. The data collected was analysed by using statistical technique‟ t‟ test .Resultshows that Basketball players are superior to Volleyball players in speed, agility and endurance. But inleg power Volleyball players are better than the Basketball players.


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