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Jagadish S. Gasti


This topic says ethics and values in sport help preserve what sport is all about; achievingexcellence through hard work, and to bring people together. These ethics help to keep sport fair, free ofcorruption, and to ensure that those who have worked the hardest and performed their best are rewarded.Ethics and values also ensure that a sport is played the way its supposed to be played, and its originalspirit is maintained. Morals, ethics and values are more than rules or laws. These are implied on duties oractions that one should take. But also judge what is right or good for a person. If somebody don't performin that way, then it‟s wrong or bad. One of the common problems of following morals and values in sportsis that these differ from one player to another. It thus becomes an obligation of coaches, team captainsand leaders to tell about basic sports morals and ethics to their team, as well as adhere themselves tobecome an example. Fairness, integrity, equity and respect are four important values in sports ethics.What all you feel about co-player or others also determines your moral sense. If a player values others, hewill be considerate and will play with moral sense & compassion. Before doing anything, you will alwaysconsider what affects your actions will have on others, the fun of the game, and thus you will do what isright and good. If you will feel that opponents are against you, you will lack empathy for their feelings. Aplayer without morals and ethics will not recognize the values and worth of opponent players and will nothave any compassion for their welfare.


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