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Shobha Hadapad

Dr. Rajkumar P. Malipatil


Research shows a positive relationship between physical activity and academic achievement in doing so; we can make a contribution to improvements in education, schooling, teaching and learning. Physical education can challenge and inspire. It can lead to life changes in terms of improved health, learning achievements and the development of positive relationships. While traditionally a subject in the curriculum our interests go beyond this to include extra-curricular activities associated with Physical Education such as field trips and sports clubs. Researchers within the Physical Education Research Forum aim to engage in research that enhances our understanding of what effective teaching and learning is so that current policy, practice and professional development can be improved challenged and even transformed. Current policies in many countries around the world, views physical education in both primary and secondary schools as a logical site for the provision of opportunities for children and young people to be physically active. Furthermore, PE teachers are increasingly tasked with the responsibility to educate students about ways to lead a healthy and activity lifestyle. This logic is directly associated with global health concerns about the prevalence of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and other major health risks related to sedentary lifestyle and obesity.


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