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Dr. Sujatha S.

Miss. Swathi J.


is a driver of growth and well-being. New technologies, products, services andorganizations create jobs and rejuvenate industries. This also presents new opportunities for innovationand improvement in education systems. Students are the future of school education. Developing instudents, awareness of innovation and innovation capability has a special status and role of theeducation activity course is an important way to achieve it. For some people, the future for physicaleducation is directed towards young people for their well-being and, more specifically, their current andfuture participation in physical activity and sport.Today, good physical education, health education is the top priority, along with safety education ofstudents. In the beginning of every class, the teacher should take advantage of the regular class safetyeducation for students. Dress must be sportswear, sports shoes, which are not accompanied with anyaccessories; in order to not to cause injury during sports activities, the teaching process is required tocomply with classroom discipline, attention to the management of sports equipment and to practice in amanner to ensure safety of each and every player. Technology in this field has enhanced the classroomefficiency and promoting such innovation among students in order to keep abreast of the varioustechnologies innovated and to use them in a manner that would only develop their skill set and notdeteriorate in any way.This paper describes the innovation strategies for sports education in the future.Key Words Innovation Student – future Creativity Health Well-being Advantages


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