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K. L. Swaroop

M. Ramesh


Obesity is now the most common nutritional disorder all over the world. Defined as a body mass index of greater than 30, it arises from the accumulation of excess fat in the body from over consumption of fatty foods prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic levels.Detection of the functional impairments associated with obesity is important from both clinical and prognostic point of view. There is strong association between obesity and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and possibly certain cancers, such as breast and colorectal cancer, menstrual disorders and irregular bleeding are common among obese females. Finally, obese people have been found to suffer from psychological and social problems and these should be identified.The consequences of excess weight can be associated with increased caloric intake and or decreased physical activity and other consequences of excess weight on a variety of organ systems.Through behavioral therapy diet, exercises are suggested for obese people to sustained weight reduction.


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